Saturday, 22 December 2012

Dark Day in the history of this Country

Today is the dark day in the history of our Country, not that there have be other occasions where the acts of some despicable creatures have shamed our nation...but this one tops all, for our Government has proven it is the worst kind ever to be forcefully elected and rule over us Indians....

A country where women are trashed, used, ill respected, molested, raped time and again, not only physically but also mentally, today is a special day, for the Government of India is raping the entire nation, the youth of this country...which is taking a bold stand and trying to protest against this national outrage...It is disgusting how the government is totally out of sync with the realities of our changing nation.

This post is in particular regarding this one courageous 23 year old, who is battling it out in the ICU of Safdarjung hospital, after being admitted on Sunday night, whereby she had to go through various surgeries.

The details of the rape are unspeakable of, for it is a shame to humanity, that the girl was not only repeatedly raped by the 6 animals but also penetrated with an iron rod while on the moving bus and was finally flung out of the bus brutally to await her fate to die..

The surgeons said, that her injuries are so grave that, her intestines had to be removed and they were initially doubtful she would even survive.
Here is an article from Dailymail of the aftermath and also the latest on this incident click here, Delhi Rape Victim News

As we continue to witness horrific scenes of clashes enfold between the innocent protestors and the police force, I feel there should be laws against the Lawmakers, who are using their high handed approach to assault the innocent people who are standing up against immense atrocities...carried out by these lawmakers...They should be on the receiving end as well one day....

With tainted, rapists sitting in the Parliament... it is despicable how there can be any hope of justice for this Nation...I wish these people are also meted out the same trauma that the citizens of this country have to in and day out...

This event calls out for a National bandh, it is horrific, at such a day the President of the country has nothing to offer the people of this nation, this day should be the Death of the government...And its only through our constant struggle and voice this can be executed...Sign the petitions to strengthen the laws...

The petition is to the President and the Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India...
To:Pranab Mukherjee, President of India
Chief Justice of India, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India

The gang-rape of a 23-year-old student in a moving bus on the night of December 17 in the capital city of Delhi has triggered anger, outrage and shock amongst every citizen this country.

The National Crime Records Bureau records 572 rapes reported from Delhi for the year 2011. This year 635 rapes had already been reported as of December 15, 2012, Rape is not a problem that afflicts Delhi alone. In recent months, we have seen a rising crime graph against women being reported from virtually every corner of the country including Haryana, Kerala and Bangalore.

Each time a rape is reported, civil society reacts with anger and outrage, which unfortunately dies down and is forgotten, until the next time. The question to ask: what is the inflexion point? At what stage do we say collectively and in one voice: Enough.

Many solutions have been offered in the light of this particular gang-rape and in the past. Some of these include:

1. The setting up of fast track courts (as in Rajasthan recently) to ensure speedy trials.
2. The imposition of maximum, exemplary sentence.
3. The immediate clearing of all pending cases involving crimes against women.
4. Immediate training and sensitisation of police force to crimes against women, including domestic violence, molestation and sexual assault.
5. The immediate passage of pending bills that seek to protect women, including the Protection of Women Against Sexual Harassment at the Workplace Bill 2012 and the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 2012
6. Consultations with the Ministry of Human Resources to see how best to address the issue of sensitising boys through the school curriculum.
7. National-level, open consultations involving civil society and other stake-holders on how best to tackle the growing misogyny and hostility against women as well as rising crimes against them.
8. Ensuring safe public transport for all citizens by installing CCTVs and conducting due diligence of employees including bus drivers, cleaners etc.

Despite having so many women in positions of political leadership, a survey by TrustLaw found India to be ranked as the worst country in the world for women. At a time when women are increasingly claiming their rightful share of half the sky and asserting their autonomy and independence, the rising crimes against them are conducted with absolute impunity by criminals who have no fear of the law.

We are writing to you in the hope that you will direct government and judiciary to take special note of the escalation of gender violence and work together on a priority basis to implement the measures detailed above.

Lack of gender justice, lack of fear of the law, police and judicial apathy, failure of governance and shrinking public spaces is a matter of grave concern, not just for women but for every citizen of this country.
[Your name]
You can sign them at the below mentioned link and various other petitions for the same cause:

Jai Hind!

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Blog of the Year Award 2012

Hello friends, 

Here’s your chance to win the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’Award

Thanks to a dear virtual friend of mine Nizy Nice, who bestowed upon me this wonderful award. It is really an endearing and beautiful gesture and I’m completely honoured to receive my first badge, and craving to receive some more…

She is a beautiful person by heart and soul..not to mention how pretty looking she is from the outside as well..:) ..and I’m glad I met her via this virtual world and cherish her as much as a friend, as I do my close friends…Nizy knows how to have fun, even with the little things in life, in her blogs, you would enjoy the everyday life being photographed and expressed at its best. Apart from blogging about her inspiration in life, i.e. God…she gives us a glimpse into her beautiful life…So do follow her writings at Nizy Nice and hope you enjoy her pictures and writings as much as I do…

As they say more the merrier and share your happiness and cheer along the way, I’ve tried to do the same, by nominating some of my favourite bloggers and some newly made friends…whose writings I’ve come to enjoy..and would continue to in future as well…not to mention how inspiring I find some of their blogs and some are downright fun, interesting and something to relish…So without further ado, I present to you my fellow participants…

Here they are:

Kimberly McPherson
The Charmed Cupcake
Holly Michael
D @
Becky K.

‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award
Blog of the Year Award banner 600

Do you know a blog that deserves an award?

Do you have special blogs that you love to read?

Which blogs do you bookmark and follow?

Would you like to give them an award this year?

Then the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award is for you!

Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpeg

The ‘rules’ for this award are simple:

1 Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award

2 Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number
of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award.

3 Please include a link back to this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award –   and include these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)

4 Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them

5 You can now also join our Facebook group – click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience

6 As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…

6 stars image

Yes – that’s right – there are stars to collect!

Unlike other awards which you can only add to your blog once – this award is different!
When you begin you will receive the ‘1 star’ award – and every time you are given the award by another blog – you can add another star!

There are a total of 6 stars to collect.

Which means that you can check out your favourite blogs – and even if they have already been given the award by someone else – you can still bestow it on them again and help them to reach the maximum 6 stars!

Blog of the Year Award 6 star jpeg

‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Badges

Here are the six badges for you to collect – you can either ‘swop’ your badge for the next one each time you are given the award – or even proudly display all six badges if you are lucky enough to be presented with the award six times!
Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpeg
Blog of the Year Award 2 star jpeg
Blog of the Year Award 3 star jpeg
Blog of the Year Award 4 star jpeg
Blog of the Year Award 5 star jpeg
Blog of the Year Award 6 star jpeg
Need to know more? Check out our FAQ page

And Congratulations! on being chosen for the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award

‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award – thumbnails

Here are the 6 awards in thumbnail size for your sidebar – feel free to Right Click and save any of the images on this page:

Blog of the Year Award 1 star thumbnail
Blog of the Year Award 2 star thumbnail
Blog of the Year Award 3 star thumbnail
Blog of the Year Award 4 star thumbnail
Blog of the Year Award 5 star thumbnail
Blog of the Year Award 6 star thumbnail

So there you go, follow these simple steps, and you too can win these precious badges…

To visit my other blog click on

Cheers and Happy Blogging!

P.S: Do come back for the next edition of my Pictorial Travelogue whereby I’ll give you a mini tour of Sukhna Lake and Pinjore Fort Garden….have fun..and keep reading..and stay fit…

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Indeed Incredible India! – Chandigarh Part 1

Oh…what a wonderful world….and I believe, God has done justice to our country, which has everything that it needs, you name we have it, the hills, the shrines, the holy waters, the pristine snow clad mountains, deserts, rivers, ocean, lakes, valley, plantations….flora and fauna, the list can go on…..

Wonder what I’m talking about, I’m talking about my recent travel to the mighty Himalayan ranges, and one has to see to believe it…how mighty and serene it is up there on the hills….where surely God’s must reside…and might have had…if only we believe…

But since the journey was spaced out over 8 days, I would like to split my travel escapade as well. Now beginning with Chandigarh, so that you too get a clear glimpse into our wonderland, called Incredible India.

Day 1. Chandigarh Rock Garden Creator Nek Chand Saini

It all began with our air journey from Mumbai (the city of dreams) to Chandigarh; land of Mr. Nek Chand’s exquisite artistry, making India the proud bearer of his unique skill of using Industrial and other waste materials coupled with an unbelievable yet not so easily mouldable item such as a Rock moulded at its best by this native of India hailing from the village of Shakargarh (region now in Pakistan).

Rock Garden Description

Nek Chand is a self-taught artist famous for building the Rock Garden in Chandigarh. It is an 18 acre sculpture garden in the city of Chandigarh.

Nek Chand's Rock Garden

Beautiful depiction of memories

One could feast their eyes for hours together at this out of the world location….admiring each of his unique creations…his vision is indeed exuberant…for he enhances the saying…where the mind stops thinking, imagination takes a leap…and that is what is depicted in his unique rock art…

Use of waste materials

Below is a mini tour of the garden followed by the pictures..hope you enjoy the virtual tour as much as we did the real one…

Here are some terra-cotta pots lined up in a stunning way…

Pots made out of stone
Likewise for these creepers, which although look like real ones, are indeed carved out of a stone…amazing isn’t it…

Creepers made of stone

Here’s a house carved out of stone….

house carved out of rock

And below are some stone animals moreso like real ones…

penguine creatures



Men, women and people playing music…what a vision…



people playing music

Since this post itself is so huge, and everything can't be incorporated, I'm breaking it down for you to enjoy all the places...

I also have a video tour of this exquisite place for you, so here here
Video on Nek Chand's Rock Garden - Chandigarh

They say, God is everywhere, sure he is, for this man found it in an inanimate object like a stone…and waste materials….it is true when they say, one man’s garbage is another man’s gold….Nek Chand Sir proved it….literally…

Salute to this Visionary who has done India proud with his unique talent and achievement…
So guys, what do you think you wanna create today… never know, what miracle you can create, if only… believe….

Signing off for now and as promised I’ll return for the next blog…soon…so stay tuned….

But do tune in for further interesting episodes from our trip to the North…further to come is part two in Chandigarh Sukhna Lake and Haryana Pinjore garden (Fort)…..

Friday, 9 November 2012

The Cup keeps filling...

Hello folks,

Hope you guys been rocking...

Well mainly as you are aware I like to take you guys on virtual trips through my travel blogs and soon would be taking you to Dehen, Bhandardara which are some exquisite locations to explore in the outskirts of Mumbai, soon after I give you a virtual trip to UK's beautiful Island, Isle of Wight....

But this edition I would like to dedicate to my book and update you of the upcoming event, that is my radio interview with RJ Nitin of 90.8 FM Jago Mumbai Radio.

Yes, thanks to you guys, your constant love, affection and belief, the book  is doing great...

For those of who, wondering, why such a big title, A Journey towards Self Contemplation, I would simply say, coz it was really that....

It all began as chapters finally taking the shape of a book...and all that was possible due to the journey within...that  is why it is aptly called 'A Journey towards Self Contemplation'.

And, the reason I'm writing this  blog is to show, how 'The Cup keeps filling', and giving back to me more humbly and selflessly...and makes me meet wonderful souls...who are also doing great work and are willing to share their stories...

To know more stories about the journey and few more anecdotes, tune in to 90.8 FM Jago Mumbai on 11th November, Sunday between 12 noon and 3 pm and catch my exclusive interview hosted by none other than RJ Nitin on his show Open Mic.

You can also alternatively tune into Jago Mumbai Radio - Live Internet  incase you do not get the frequency on your radios.

Apart from this, do check out the article on Planet Powai newspaper regarding The Cup of Life.

For details kindly visit

Until next time, take care and keep reading and also traveling.

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

Enjoy and do catch the interview on or tune into 90.8 Jago Mumbai FM radio this Sunday between 12 noon and 3 pm IST, on the show Open Mic with me and RJ Nitin...


P.S - Blog on Isle of Wight coming up next.....Stay tuned...

Saturday, 29 September 2012

My Pictorial Travelogue - Goa-Belgaum

I'm sure when you think of relaxation and taking time out from the usual would love the prospect of spending alone time with your loved one...where else would you love to go..but stretch yourself at a nice sandy beach...with a beautiful sunrise/sunset in the backdrop...chilling away with a drink in a shack...listening to your fav...number...slowly grooving with it...and just when you feel you have heard the number a several hundred times before, but its still got you going...and makes you feel nostalgic....that's the power of a good ambiance, mesmerizing music and of course, your beloved..hand in hand with ya...

Hmm....wondering what I'm getting at...well this is how one would describe an evening well spent at a beach...and where else in India would one love to let their hair loose, but at the wonderful beaches of none other than....Goa....where everyday is a Sunday...and time itself is Susegad....

Palolem Beach
For the ones who must have visited Goa for a million times, there is still some more to relish, still an unsung song yet to be sung, still a beautiful poetry waiting to be written, and so many unsaid words yet to be coined...all...not enough to even eulogize the mighty waters, the angelic sunrise, the ever so more entrancing sunset, the soft sand....the list goes on...and this is for the ones who yearn for seclusion...from the mad mad rush of the world...beach could be termed heavenly for them...

Well no matter one must have seen Goa many times and mostly when people think of Goa, it is usually the North of Goa...but for the connoisseurs of good times, sand, sun, beach, seclusion...wining and dining with your loved one...the place to be South Goa...none other than the serene beaches of Canacona, one Palolem and other Agonda...

Palolem Beach is one of the best beaches across GOA, at the onset, one can easily notice the gigantic, magnificent coconut palms on one side, the lush green hills on the other end. Situated on one end of the beach is Neptune point, where one if lucky, can get to see the Dolphins, up close and personal...And on the other end, there is the Dolphin Island for which one has to reach via a 5 min boat ride..If you are lucky, the Dolphins will swim next to you...(only if you are lucky....say luck raised to 100)....haha..well we at least spotted some not that completely out of luck....

Apart from enjoying ones' time at the beach, for local sight seeing, one can also enjoy bathing in a nearby waterfall, of course during the monsoons, when it looks magnificent..just approximately 10 kms away from Chawdi village in Cancona district...called the Tutsi Waterfall...

Tutsi Waterfall

Since we did not have much time at our disposal and had to get back to Belgaum for Ganesh Chaturti celebrations, we decided to go via Agonda...and that's when we also came across Cabo De Rama, the popular Goan beach fort named after Lord Rama. This is one of the oldest forts in Goa, build here before the arrival of the Portuguese. With the historic significance related with its name, Cabo De Rama has a mythological legend. Lord Rama accompanied by his wife Sita took refuge here during his exile from Ayodhya for 14 years.

Cabo De Rama

Cabo De Rama
Below are some views from top and also the beautiful shots of some flora...

Local Fisherman....Near Cabo De Rama

View from Top...Cabo De Rama...
Beautiful Flora - Near Cabo De Rama enroute Agonda
I'm sure one could write enumerable, never ending saga about this wonderland, of a place called Goa...with its exquisitely clean beaches,nightlife = daylife with old and new, upcoming shacks, antic markets, saturday night bazar, dolphin rides, beautiful sea life, scuba diving, water sports like parasailing, speed boats...on one hand..various monuments, landmark sites, exquisite churches, beautiful temples and vast sceneries to entice you ever so more..yet still have some more to blow your mind...but not enough time at your disposal to explore this magical case you are in a hurry to leave...

So next time around, do take time out to explore Goa at your hearts this magical land has the capacity to woo you every single time...and next time do not forget to visit the other end of Goa...where the scenery gets even better with the setting sun...and the nights are to remember...of course in the company of your loved one.....


Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Newspaper Articles about 'The Cup of Life'

Guys, here are some articles in the newspapers, namely Deccan Herald and Tarun Bharat about the book, 'The Cup of Life'. Read On...and share the same...

I thought, I'll share the same here until it pops on my website..(which might take some time though)...

Anyhooo I thought, meanwhile, you can check it out here...

Here's a sneak peak on the same.....

Deccan Herald Article_September 19, 2012

And a detailed write up in a Marathi Daily which gives more insights about the book....

Article on The Cup of Life_Tarun Bharat Newspaper_Sep 23, 2012
I know, some might need a translator for this..but hey what the should be worth the effort....for the news is interesting and quite useful.

So go ahead read on....and brush up your Marathi literature skills...

And stay tuned....Catch you next time with the further part of my Pictorial Travelogue...


Monday, 24 September 2012

My Pictorial Travelogue - Mumbai-Belgaum

9 Days, two road trips, two exquisite destinations...

First One - Mumbai to Belgaum

How do I put it, ever got tired eating delicious, sumptuous chocolates, pastries or any sweet for that matter, ofcourse this question is for the ones with a sweet tooth...Well, no matter how much you eat, your hand will still rush to get that one more piece. ..Isn't it...

Well for me, traveling does the same to my soul, no matter how many times, we might have traveled to various locations, the very thought of traveling and exploring new and old places, revives my soul and readies it for a new adventure...

As usual me and my better half had promised ourselves of not going on any random adventures especially after our spooky adventure from Bhandardara....which almost got us lost on top of a hill, with the road leading towards the jungle 7 in the night, and a dangerous slope running around the curvy road...with not  enough place to turn was hell of an adventure, finally when we turned around, and got signal just for a second in our cell make us realize, that there is a higher power somewhere, who guides us and protects us...and puts up with our crazy shit.... that we are alive and kicking...we thought of embarking on a semi scary adventure...Of exploring a forest and a local waterfall in a quite village of Shundi known as Shundi Waterfalls, somewhere in the outskirts of Belgaum, where there were no clear steps and we had to walk through the stream, only to realize that it is quite slippery and attempting to walk through the flowing stream might lead us not to just see the waterfall at the foot, but actually take us down in full swing with the fast water flowing from atop the hill.... much so for our crazy adventure, we thought of skipping the unnecessary dare devilry instead settled for a quite snack amidst the luscious fields, caught a shot of a cute bird merrily chirping along and pecking at a grass stalk..


While on our way back, we made a point to visit an Ancient Hindu Shiva Temple know as Vaijnath Temple supposedly built by the Pandavas some say 2000 years ago. It was a total surreal experience, as they say this is a "Svayambhu" Temple, meaning Self-manifested or that which is created by its own accord.

And just when we were driving back from a fun filled evening, the rain came pouring down and filled up the air with much needed mysticism...And as we peered our way through the rain slashing on our windshield the car swiftly swirled across the hills and gave us the much needed adrenalin rush...

So I hope you enjoyed the ride as much as we did...tune in for more pictures and stories from our next road trip from Belgaum to Goa...and Goa to Mumbai...

As of now, relish the exquisite scenery and breathtaking views of some parts of the good old town from Karnataka, Belgaum....

Pictures of the luscious fields, scenery passing along, a friendly villager posing for the camera doing his chores, had fun racing a kid on the backseat of a bike, nice country roads winding towards the village nearby, sight of two blissful trees, and man taking his cattle for gracing...hope you enjoy the virtual ride, as much we enjoyed the real one....
